Women In Leadership Spotlight

WHA’s very own Vice President of Marketing, Lindsay Hezmalhalch, is an active member of many industry organizations; she is currently the chair of the BIAOC – NextGen Committee and holds a position on the BIASC Greater Sales & Marketing Council. Her experience and presence in the industry recently landed her the opportunity to sit on a panel for BIASC Greater Sales & Marketing Council’s Annual Women in Leadership Breakfast on November 9th. Hosted at the Whittier College Chapel, Lindsay sat beside Brooke Doi from Shea Homes, and Fernanda Luick from Eliant, Inc. Lisa Parrish from Team PMP led the women in conversation discussing their professional journeys, ideas on leadership, mentors, and advice for future leaders.

“This was truly such a fun experience! It is amazing to be recognized as a leader in the industry and to sit alongside women I admire. While our backgrounds are different, we had a lot of similarities in our journeys and drive that led us to where we are,” expressed Lindsay.

The event was thought-provoking and cultivated an insightful conversation where attendees were motivated to push towards their personal and professional goals. Here are three key takeaways from the panel that can be applied to any role, industry, and stage of life:

Never Stop Learning: Lindsay, Fernanda, and Brooke detailed their routines and how they continue to expand their knowledge to become the best leaders they can be. Whether it be a professional podcast, a motivational book, or attending various conferences and webinars throughout the year, these women love to learn about other successful leaders and tactics that they can implement for their companies and teams that they manage. Attendees were encouraged to find a medium that best suits their lifestyle and professional goals so that they too can be educated on the latest trends and information that will aid their career path.

Get Involved: Industry events are anywhere you look! Chances are one of your peers is an active member in at least one industry organization. Grab a friend and go network – you never know who you’ll meet, what you’ll learn, and where those acquired thoughts will take you!

Shoot for the Stars: All women sitting on the panel had big dreams as young girls. Although their careers are not what they initially imagined, all persevered through challenges presented on the path that led to where they are now. They have high expectations for themselves and will not stop until they meet and exceed their goals, at which point they’ll restart the cycle and set new goals to work towards. It’s okay if your goals or career path changes, they key is to continually dream big and encourage your peers to do the same. Lisa, Brooke, Fernanda, and Lindsay are among the many female leaders who are paving the way for generations to come in our industry. One goal they all have in common is to offer equal leadership opportunities for men and women. This panel served as the perfect stepping stone for all generations to join the conversation and work towards that shared goal!

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