Brea Elm Collection Receives Award of Merit at 2013 Gold Nugget Awards



Congratulations to our team at WHA for meriting at the 2013 Gold Nugget Awards!!!!  With over, 536 entries, this years submissions faced a great deal of competition. Brea Elm Collection is a stand-out project that was entered under the multi-family housing project – under 18 du/acre (for sale or rent) category.


Developing infill locations that straddle older residential and emerging commercial uses can be challenging. This L-shaped, 30 unit site in Brea, CA is located on a major arterial that is transitioning to more commercial uses, and our 19 live/work, 8 duplex and 3 single-family home solution offers a sensitive transition for the adjacent historic neighborhood. 


Starting at the L-corner, we created a generous public plaza that showcases sculptures from local artists and offers an area for community events.  Along the main street, each live/work home has a linear covered arcade to create the urban street edge that also created large decks for the living spaces above. The second and third floors were set back to better emphasize the commercial corridor.  To integrate the product types we designed a central covered retail plaza that connects the interior duplex homes; and the three single-family homes softened the impact for the adjoining single-family residents.  The existing grade created massing challenges but each product type works seamlessly together, and by incorporating the local Spanish Colonial and Craftsman styles, these homes assimilate into the community. The appeal reaches a wide range from small business owners to families requiring private yards. Nearby parks and retail uses eliminated the cost for on-site amenities. 


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